Sunday 22 February 2015

Sensitive Skin

Hey Gorgeous People,

Okay so a couple of weeks ago I went to the shops and bought a new Compact Pressed Powder as seen above because I had finished my last one. Now this isn't the one I usually buy but I couldn't find my usual one. So I just said, "It'll do."

Big Mistake

I have quite sensitive skin and this powder did not help. I started breaking out at a rapid rate (I would put photos up but i didn't take any). Although my face wasn't covered, comparing it to my usual skin, it was bad. I had pimples dotted across my cheeks, nose, forehead, and chin. Now I just assumed that it was a hormonal imbalance because I am a woman. But after a while and they were not going and more were appearing, even when I washed my face, I thought something was wrong.
SO!! I stopped wearing this powder and stopped wearing makeup besides mascara and lipstick and the pimples stopped appearing. So I thought I was fine ..... no it gets worse. I got a small lump beneath my nostril and just assumed it was a bad pimple. So I got home and got my sister to check it out. It turns out that I got a rather nasty cold sore. Now this may not be just because of the makeup as I did have a small case of the flu recently but I have only ever had a cold sore once. And the way that the cold sore appeared was strange and not normally the way cold sores I have seen form.

So this was just a brief warning to all you with sensitive skin to steer clear of this just in case. You have to be extremely careful when you do have sensitive skin because it limits the makeup brands we can wear and also the types of makeup we can use. We all have varying ranges of skin sensitivity and I will talk more about that in a later post.

It was so lovely to talk to you again as I haven't written in a while (sorry :( ). I've been super busy!!


Hope you liked the post! Comment below and warn me of any brands that you have found bad for sensitive skin.

Love you all,

Stay Positive xoxo

Immy Minette
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